The Northern Kenya Rangeland Carbon Project: Partners
14 NRT-Member Community Conservancies
The 14 Community Conservancies that make up the project area carry out its activities, which include supporting scheduled rotational grazing and meeting conservancy-level reporting requirements.
Each conservancy has a Board made up of 12 people who are elected by the community groups making up the conservancy. Board members are elected every three years on a rolling basis, with no member serving more than two terms. They ensure each community group's voice is heard in the conservancy's governance. The Conservancy is represented on the Council of Elders, NRT's primary governing body, by the Chairperson of the Board.
Northern Rangelands Trust (NRT)
NRT is a membership organisation owned and led by the 39 different community conservancies it serves in northern and coastal Kenya. NRT was established to assist in the creation and development of community conservancies.
NRT's role in the 39 conservancies includes generating funding, business, and conservation solutions and presenting them to the conservancies as ideas for change. When a Conservancy agrees and is interested in pursuing such ideas, NRT assists with securing funding and technical assistance to make these curated solutions a reality.
The Northern Kenya Rangeland Carbon Project is one of 135 conservancy-funded development projects NRT has successfully implemented since 2015.
The conservancy structure serves as a starting point for delivering benefits to the communities. While NRT is committed to enhancing conservancy solutions that promote good governance and peace across the 39 conservancies, the conservancies are fully owned by the community, and it is the conservancy that leads the implementation of these ideas.
The Northern Kenya Rangeland Carbon Project is one of 135 conservancy-funded development projects NRT has successfully implemented since 2015.
The Project involves 14 of NRT’s 39 conservancies. NRT’s obligation to these 14 conservancies is to administer the Project, provide the support they need to implement the project activities, and reporting for continuous project verification and credit issuance.
Since the Project's inception, NRT as the principal project proponent has worked with partners to develop this Project so that the 14 conservancies can obtain revenue from soil carbon credits, thereby increasing and diversifying conservancy income.
Native is a carbon project developer and offset provider that partners with leading brands to help them implement and scale new climate action.
Native provided upfront project financing and also oversaw project validation and verification. Native structured the project for long-term financial sustainability, improved livelihoods, and a positive environmental impact, and will continue collaborating with the partners on long-term operations and project resiliency.
Native, a Public Benefit Corporation and a recognized B Corporation, is the sole marketer and trader of carbon credits from the Northern Kenya Rangeland Carbon Project.
Soils for the Future
Soils for the Future is a soil science consulting firm that designed the project methodology through to its verification by VCS and continues to support the project in monitoring, reporting and technical advice.
Soils for the Future additionally guide soil sampling, modeling, biodiversity and vegetation surveys, and ecological impact.